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Page Two


Please read this guide on a laptop, otherwise it will be IMPOSSIBLE to understand. The mobile layout is not user friendly.

Page Two is a collaborative writing device. The goal is to collectively work together to publish pages. Authors use the "input data" of 0 ETH transactions to write messages on-chain which will then be converted into a "24-Hour Async Art" piece, and gifted to an author.

Page Two consists of the following:

36 pages > 30 lines per page > 1080 lines + 36 index > 30 lines per index > 1080 indexes.

  • A PAGE is where authors on-chain writings of their 0 ETH transactions with "input data" will be displayed.

  • A INDEX is where the "transaction hashes" of all authors 0 ETH transactions with "input data" will be displayed. Index is a way for anyone in the future to find the on-chain reference to the exact writings of every single author included in Page Two.


In otherwords:

PAGE = on-chain writings.

INDEX = tx hashes of those writings.

What are authors?

Anyone can be an author of Page Two, as long as they can send a 0 ETH transaction with "input data". Authors can write one line per 0 ETH transaction. The lines will be written on-chain in hexadecimal by authors, converted to UTF-8 (English) by Etherscan's in build function and then added to Page Two. Only the first 1080 authors transactions/writings (lines) will be accepted into Page Two.

24-Hour Async Art

To understand Page Two, you'll need to understand how a "24-Hour Async Art" piece works. This type of artwork consists of a single NFT with 24 individual images that are cycled through every hour. We will use this function to display the PAGE and INDEX of Page Two. Once Page Two is written, a single "24-Hour Async Art" piece will be created, and then gifted to one author randomly. The artwork will be named "Page Two" and released on Async Art. However, it will only be created if all lines are written (total 1080 lines).

Unlike Page One, the writings for Page Two come before the creation of the artwork. The current writings which will be included in

Page Two, will appear here in "Log" for viewing. 


To better understand Page Two, let's look at a finished dummy version of "Page Two". Obviously the final version would depend on what authors write on-chain. All the writings below are only to illustrate the layout of Page Two. Below are dummy writings and "Page Two" has not been created yet (at time of writing)



This is the address that authors will send their 0 ETH transactions with "input data" to, when they want to write for Page Two. It's a normal ETH address created for the purpose of logging authors transactions. It is not a smart contract. The order of the transactions will determine what is written on each line of Page Two. I will check this ETH address as often as I can and update "Log" for easy reading. This will help future authors see the complete story before deciding what to write.


Line numbers 1-30. Page Two = 36 pages > with 30 lines per page > total 1080 lines. 



The title of Page Two. The title will be decided by me, and will try to reflect the writings of all the authors. 


Page Two = 36 pages > 30 lines per page > total 1080 lines.


Page Two = 36 index > 30 lines per index > total 1080 indexes.

Page Two will be its own "24-Hour Async Art" NFT.

Page Two will only be created if all lines are written (total 1080 lines).


This is where PAGE or INDEX will be displayed. Every hour, these three columns will change to display PAGE 001 to 036 and then INDEX 001 to 036. 


PAGE is where authors writings are displayed. Authors use 0 ETH transactions with "input data" to write messages on-chain that will be displayed within lines 1-30 of these pages. What is written on each line and page, is determined by the order of transactions that are sent to the Page Two ETH Address. Only the first 1080 authors transactions will be accepted into Page Two. 


INDEX is where the "transaction hashes" of all authors 0 ETH transactions with "input data" will be displayed. Each line of an INDEX corresponds to an authors writing on a PAGE. 

Example: INDEX 001, Line 20 = the writings of PAGE 001, Line 20.

If someone was to copy and paste the tx hash of INDEX 001, Line 20 into Etherscan for example, they would find that the writings displayed on PAGE 001, Line 20 would be the exact same as what is written in the Input Data of that transaction, on the ethereum blockchain.

Index is a way for anyone in the future to find the on-chain reference to the exact writings of every single author included in Page Two.


This is information about the artwork.


chain: ethereum

sblock: start block

stime: start time

(both sblock and stime are based off the tx hash of the first line (UTC).

eblock: end block

etime: end time

(both eblock and etime are based off the tx hash of the last line (UTC)

authors: the amount of unique ETH addresses that contributed to Page Two.

lines: the total lines.

pages: the total pages.

tx fees: the total tx fees spent on 0 ETH transactions for Page Two.

tx: the total amount of 0 ETH transactions included in Page Two. 

The above image is a gif for demonstration purposes only. The final artwork of "Page Two" would display a new image every hour from PAGE 001 to 036 and then from INDEX 001 to 036 (total 24 images).


If you're feeling a bit confused, don't worry. This next part will definitely bring it all together!

What is a 0 ETH transaction with "input data"?

1) It's a normal ETH transaction but the ETH value that is sent = 0 ETH

2) If users want, they can add input data. This is extra data that one can add to a transaction. This can be regular text or a number (formatted as a hexadecimal).


Many transactions actually use input data (such as telling a smart contract to run a certain function). But in this case, we will be using input data to write messages on the ethereum blockchain so they can be added to Page Two. 

We will also be using MetaMask to send these transactions!


When writing as an author, there are only two rules that MUST be followed in order for your transaction to be added to Page Two.

  • Your writing must be 30 English characters or less (including spaces and punctuation)

  • Your writing must be in English. 

These two rules only exist so I can fit all author's writings onto the artwork :D

CAUTION: You are allowed to write anything you like and it will be added to Page Two (within the above two rules). However, please be aware that whatever you decide to write will be visible on the ethereum blockchain FOREVER by ANYONE. It cannot be removed, edited, hidden or destroyed, unless the whole ethereum blockchain dies (blockchains are awesome).


  • Convert your text to hex. You can use this online convert tool >

  • Write your message with 30 characters or less, then click "Convert". It will give you the hex output of your message.

  • Add 0x to the front of that hex output.


In this example i will write "In the future, things will be" <-- this is 29 characters (including spaces and punctuation)


You can see that it gave a hex output of:



The above output is just the hex version of "In the future, things will be".

However, we are not done yet. You need to add "0x" to the FRONT of that hex output. This is a prefix. Therefore, it will now look like this:


0x = number zero and the letter x in lower case. 

Fantastic! Keep your hex output for later. We will need it in STEP 3.


  • Open up MetaMask.

  • Go to Settings > Advanced > scroll down and turn on "Show Hex Data".

We need "Show Hex Data" turned ON so we can add the hex output created before to the transaction, to write your message on-chain.

metamask 1.png
metamask 2 .png


In this step we will be adding the hex output from STEP 1 to a 0 ETH transaction and sending it on-chain to the Page Two ETH address. 

Below is a visual guide of STEP 3:

Open MetaMask:

  • Select "Send"

1 metamask send.png

Copy and paste the Page Two ETH Address in "Add Recipient"

0xDA8C02Fdc3D82604826E3393aD9a10b1Ee1bf19d <- Etherscan

2 metamask add.png
3 Recipient.png


  • Amount = 0 ETH.

  • Hex Data = Your hex output from STEP 1.

  • Click "Next".




For this example I'm using the hex output of "In the future, things will be" (shown above). Obviously, you would use your own hex output from your written message in this step. Make sure to add 0x to the beginning of your hex output.

4 data.png

A transaction screen will pop up.

  • Under "DETAILS" you can see the estimated gas fee.

  • Under "DATA" you will be able to see the hex output that you pasted into "Hex Data".

Note: You can see that my transaction contains 29 BYTES. I'm pretty sure the bytes reflect the amount of English characters you write! However, to be safe, I suggest you manually count your English characters to make sure they are 30 or less. Otherwise, I won't be able to add your message to Page Two!

5 details.png
6 Data Tx.png

I'm not gas fee expert, but personally I feel the Gas Limit set by MetaMask for this type of transaction seems to be too high.

  • Next to "Estimated gas fee", click on EDIT 

You can see that MetaMask has set a default Gas Limit of 32202. I feel this is too high.

  • Select "Show Recommendations"

(I'm no gas expert though. Please read up on gas limit so your tx doesn't fail)

5 details.png
7 too high.png

For my transaction, I will select the following:

  • Medium (Show Recommendations)

  • Gas Limit: 22000

  • Max priority fee (GWEI): I'll keep the default set by MetaMask.

  • Max fee (GWEI): I'll keep the default set by MetaMask. 

  • The click "Save"

8 edit priotiry.png

When you're happy with your Estimated gas fee and Max fee:

  • Click Confirm

Congratulations! Assuming your transaction was processed and successful, you just wrote a message on the ethereum blockchain!

5 details.png


Assuming your message was 30 characters or less, you are now an author of Page Two!

For a solid understanding of what you just did, let's check the example transaction I sent earlier:

1a address.png

Below is the full transaction. As an author, there are a few details you should be aware of. 

You will need to select "Click to see more" to view the full details about the transaction on Etherscan.

Transaction Hash: This will be added to INDEX of Page Two!

To: This is the Page Two ETH Address. It's a normal ETH address. It's NOT a smart contract.

Transaction Fee:

Cost 0.000932 ETH ($2.54 USD at $2700 per ETH).

Gas Price: 43 GWEI at time of transaction.

Gas Limit:

MetaMask suggested a Gas Limit of 32202.

I changed it to 22000.

Input Data: This is the hex output that I added.

If you click:

  • "View Input As"

  • Select "UTF-8"

you will be able to see your written message!

1b tx hash.png
1d Hover.png

It shows what I wrote earlier:

"In the future, things will be".

It's now on the ethereum blockchain forever. This message will be added to PAGE of Page Two!

1e UTF-8.png


I think it's important for authors to understand how I add their writings to Page Two and where they go on the artwork. I will be doing this manually. Since the example transaction before was sent to the Page Two ETH Address, let's add it to the artwork.

The example transaction's Input Data (message) and Transaction Hash will be added to Page Two. ​Since this is the 1st transaction ever sent to the Page Two ETH Address, its location will be:

Since this is the 1st transaction, we will also update sblock and stime to reflect when "Page Two" started. 


The above image is a gif for demonstration purposes. The final artwork of "Page Two" would display a new image every hour from PAGE 001 to 036 and then from INDEX 001 to 036 (total 24 images).

As an example, if an author wanted to write the next line, they could send a transaction to the Page Two ETH Address with the following:

  • "full of many DOGE"  (17 characters)

This 2nd transaction would then be added to:

  • PAGE 001, Line 2.

This would continue until "Page Two" was complete (all 1080 lines written). Only the first 1080 authors transactions/writings will be accepted into Page Two. Once complete, the artwork would subsequently be minted on Async Art as a "24-Hour Async Art" piece and gifted randomly to one author who contributed to Page Two.


"Log" is a list of all the transactions sent to the Page Two ETH Address. It is a great way for anyone to check what is already written by previous authors, so that future authors have guidance on what to write. It's better to try and write a story collectively then write random sentences on your own! However what you write is entirely up to you, as long as it's 30 English characters or less.


I will check the Page Two ETH Address often and copy what authors write into "Log" for easy reading. 

You can view the current "Log" here.


"Whitelist" is a list of all the ETH addresses of successful authors. This list will be used to randomly decide which author gets gifted Page Two.

Please be aware:

  • Only the first 1080 authors/successful transactions will be added to the whitelist and their writings added to Page Two. 

    • For example: If you send a transaction to the Page Two ETH address but you are author 1081, you won't be added to the whitelist and your writings won't be added to Page Two.

If you open up "Log" and "Whitelist" in their own tabs, you'll be able to crosscheck authors transaction hashes with their ETH addresses. This will help you double check your writing, transaction hash, and whitelist. I don't want any authors to miss out due to mistakes!

I will find a way to have provable randomness in regards to gifting Page Two to an author.

You can view the current "Whitelist" here.


Before we talk about Page Two, let's talk about the flaws of Page One. The mains two flaws were:

  • High gas costs due to ethereum (around 0.006 ETH per user > per page)

  • Users could only write one letter per page.

I wanted to fix these 2 issues when designing Page Two. In regards to high gas costs, Page Two is by far cheaper. In the example transaction I showed, it cost me 0.000923 ETH to write 30 English characters (6 words total). That's 95% cheaper then Page One. Page Two also allows authors to write much more than Page One for a lot less the cost.

Page Two is also a very ambitious project. Since it has 1080 lines and a single author's transaction is written on one line:

  • There will need to be a total of 1080, 0 ETH transactions, for me to create "Page Two".

This is a lot of transactions! Page Two was designed this way on purpose. Since literally anyone can become an author, I wanted to try and increase the amount of people who could contribute to Page Two, if they wanted to.


Like any project / buying an NFT/ whitelist, there are risks involved. The main risks for Page Two are as follows:

  • You will lose your gas cost.

    • In my transaction it cost me 0.000932 ETH to write the first line of "Page Two".

  • Your chance of being gifted Page Two is 1/1080 (0.1%).

    • Obviously the more you write, the better your odds. If you contribute 10 lines, your chances are 10/1080 (1%).

  • There are not enough lines written by authors for Page Two to be created.​

    • If there are not enough lines written, Page Two cannot be created (needs a total of 1080 lines written by authors).

Aside from the normal everyday crypto risks, that's it!


How many artworks or ideas have people created that no one is interested in? A lot. This is what the contingency plan is for.

In the event that Page Two does not receive the required amount of authors (1080 lines / transactions), I can scale back the project by using Async Art (Day/Night) piece. Page Two could then be the following size:

  • Page Two = 3 pages > 30 lines per page > total 90 lines (total 2 images) OR

  • Page Two = 6 pages > 30 lines per page > total 180 lines (total 4 images)

While I don't want to do this, I also do not want to let authors writings go to waste. I'll try my hardest to avoid this.


While I might be biased, I love Page Two. I think the idea of bringing multiple people together, to send transactions to a single ETH address by writing on the ethereum blockchain, and then using those writings to create an artwork is really special.

I really hope you enjoyed reading this idea as much as I did writing it. I can't wait to see what authors write for Page Two!

You can follow me on Twitter for updates on when Page Two has been created! It will be released on "Async Art" only. 


So what are you waiting for? Became an author. Let's finish Page Two together! 

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